Heian - Jingu Shrine

Built in 1895 to mark the 1100th anniversary of the founding of Kyoto.
It's a reproduction of the place built in 794. The huge torii at the front entrance is the largest in Japan.
Kinkaku - Ji

The best-knowns temple in Kyoto. The present building dates only from 1955, replacing the previous structure(1397) that was destroyed in 1950 when it was set on fire by a young monk. (Mishima Yukio wrote "The Golden Pavilion" based on this story.)
Kiyomizu - dera

It's a very popular Buhdist temple with tourists.
Built in 798, but the present buildings are
reconstructions dating from 1633.
Sanjusangendo Temple

The original temple was built in 1164. After it burnt to the ground in 1249, a copy was constructed in 1266. The name means "33 days" and referes to spaces between the pillars of this long, narrow structures.

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